Posted in free soul, haiku, Haiku heights, Monday Morning Writing Prompts, poem, Poetry Potluck, Sensational Haiku Wednesdays, Thursday Rally for Poets

Free Soul 4.4.11

The earlier poems are in the page above.

Today’s post is for:

Thursday Rally for Poets (which will be held once in every three weeks) @

Lying eyes

So you say you love me
you vow it again and again loudly
when everyone is around us
then why does that feeling change?

When its only you and me
your way of acting changes
you try to push me to things
which you know will ruin me.

In the crowd you say I am sweet
in solitude you say I wear mask
in crowd you say I am adorable
in solitude you say I strive to be.

Is it some game which you are playing?
thinking that I cant look through it?
thinking I am innocent as a babe
and you can ruin my nature or self esteem?

Sharmishtha basu

For Poetry Potluck @ the theme this week is “photographs, memories and nostalgia”

a tiny girl in shaved head,
smiling in a shy way,
rigid body, staring hard
at the object called camera.

A beautiful boy beside her,
his head full of unruly hair,
casually looking at someone else
most probably his father.

the memory of that photograph
brings a smile on my lips,
oh yes that shaved girl was me,
it reminds me the child’s innocence.

That’s one of the sweetest snaps,
a snap I don’t possess sadly
that’s the only nostalgia about it,
every thing else is sweet.

For haiku heights @ the theme this week is “puppets”


strings attached to fate,
we dance as per her orders,
colourful puppets.

seeing only dolls,
gaily dancing on stage,
strings never visible.

his unseen fingers,
controls every move deftly,
puppets get the claps.

they dance in joy,
unaware of her hold,
thinking they are free.

These are four separate haikus thinking of “puppets”.

For Sensational Haiku Wednesdays @ the theme this week is “growth”


seeds germinating,
braving every obstacle,
reaching towards sun.

a heart expanding,
learning to hold more and more,
reaching for true self.

material world,
is no more that enchanting
greater wealth found.

you held me as dad,
now the role has reversed,
let me hold your hand.

Four separate haikus dedicated to “Growth”.

For Monday Morning Writing Prompt @ the theme this week “Haibun”.

“Pixie” I called out. He stopped on the wall, stared at me and then jumped to the other side.

“Silly cat! I have better things to do!” I mumbled and dropped the curtain.

An hour later I lifted the window and there she was, eating the leftovers!

it was not pixie,
may be his twin or sibling,
stunning resemblance.

First time she bolted, within a week she started to eat from me, within another week she gifted me with her two kittens.

It was touching to see how she taught them to stay with me when she left for her personal reasons. Finally she left them with me and disappeared.

she is gone forever,
her gift stays with me till date,
gift of love and trust.


A bookworm transformed into an addicted writer. I love to write and illustrate them myself. By love I mean love, no half-hearted relationship, a full-fledged, passionate love, I can’t pass two days in a stretch without writing/painting (cyber), just feel empty like lovers do when their lovers are away on a tour! Even though I am thoroughly enjoying self-publishing with amazon, but if you like my work and want to publish my works in your magazine, books or better if you want to publish a book of my works please make me very happy by contacting me. Or if you want to sell my works on commission basis only!! contact me, I will be quite relieved. Honestly writing and selling your own work is a very BORING combination. So you are more than welcome! Mail me, or go to- my blog (I have 16 blogs in wordpress, all active, some on daily basis, every one on weekly basis screaming and vowing my LOVE for writing and painting- this one is first-born, so special) (You will get the link to my remaining blogs there) or you can check out my ezines- monthly- And if you want fb you can go to my page, linkedin- my email id and I am in goodreads and completelynovel too I guess I said enough about myself, right? You will forget if I stuff too much here, so if you are curious to know this humble creature just join me in my blogs :)

48 thoughts on “Free Soul 4.4.11

  1. as always my Dearest Golden Lotus of God’s Love you speak from your heart and Soul and I enjoy your poetry…with love always(+) 😉

  2. awesome Haikus on puppets,

    they are simply a show…I used to watch puppet show when young, when one truly got into the story, it is almost the same as movie, no magic, but the voice of the master in men or women could be truly moving…

    Happy Monday, thanks for linking to potluck.

  3. Potluck Poem- nostalgic indeed..

    oh yes that shaved girl was me,
    it reminds me the child’s innocence.. made me grin wide! But the last line made me serious again!

    Love xx

  4. You have been busy my friend. Lovely every one of them, but my favorites were your grouping of haiku. You are always have a way with creating life in brevity!

  5. Wow I have seen this(Lying eyes) happen and I mean exactly terrible to be in this predicament when you care for someone and they treat you so differently in public than they treat you in closed quarters.
    I totally believe you Puppet Haiku about strings attached to fate so true so true! Loved all of these today.

  6. trisha … you have been very very busy … such nice contributions for each prompt … your snap of nostalgia is so tender! thank you for sharing! becca

  7. I love how you make your posts collection for every challenge! Your writing is always eloquent and memorable but from the collection here I liked the most Lying eyes, my type of poetry!

  8. Hi Trisha

    I really enjoyed your poetry – the puppetry exploration in particular because it touched on so many ideas and levels.

    Thank you so much for inviting me to enjoy your blog.

    glh 🙂

  9. I enjoyed all the poems.. but I like the puppet best.. even though you found me through Poetry Potluck..

    And because of your inspiration given, I decided to pen a Haiku too.. for puppet.. here is mine..

    P.S, I am linking you to my new-found friends in cos I find a sense of calmness in your blog.. and I wish to return so yeah, am thinking if we could be friends too.. Do return the follow if my humble tingtasy does appeal to you a little, yeah? *HUG*

  10. Good Morning, Trisha!

    What a delightful collection, Trisha. I’m charmed by the “picture” of you as a child and can fully imagine it from the poem. I’m glad it lives in year heart even if it has been lost in the material world. Wonderful!

    The first poem is sort of saying “what did you think, I was born yesterday?” Bravo! Speaking up. The four haiku – well done – and so is them poem on puppets. Yes indeed a fine collection. My first read this Wednesday a.m. and you have gotten me off to a great start. Thank you!

    Warmest regards,
    Musing by Moonlight
    Into the Bardo

  11. Lying Eyes–how true the situation changes from public to private. Another challenge demonstrated of trying to have a relationship with another person.

    Happy Rally, Trisha!

  12. So enjoyed your haiku for Puppets and Growth. Very well done. Your role reversal with Dad touched my heart–now your turn to hold his hand. Very sweet.

  13. Read the one for Rally!
    Love you for writing it so well.. I have been here a few times.. I know this feeling- it’s not very happy!!
    Kudos.. Hugs xx

  14. Lying eyes… Sometimes the person we love can use us and our weakness, better be careful and know our quality. Nice write, can be easily related to.

  15. So much in your posts, Trisha. The haibun is so touching. It’s almost as though the mother cat found you on purpose to take care of her babies. Thanks for sharing this.

  16. Loved your haibun telling of your sweet cat friends, Trisha. I think Trixie did know you were a trustworthy and loving person to leave her kittens with. She was so right!

  17. Your first 2 hailus work so well together for my spring mindset. I always feel that I pick up on the optimism of the plants as they open up to the sun.

  18. Yes, one must watch out for those lying eyes! Those who act differently in public and in private are often to be avoided. Nice job! And thank you for visiting my blog!

  19. That first poem really got to me. I have been in that situation so many times and watch so many others in the same trap. I don’t understand why people play these games with other people’s hearts. You captured it perfectly.

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