Posted in free soul, haiku, Haiku heights, Monday Morning Writing Prompts, poem, Poetry Potluck, Sensational Haiku Wednesdays, Thursday Rally for Poets

Free Soul 14.3.11

The earlier poems are in the page above.

Today’s post is for:

Thursday Rally for Poets (which will be held once in every three weeks) @

the palace

He made a marble palace
from stolen money
cheated and looted others
to decorate its every inch.

The palace shined bright
brighter than the sun
everyone who saw it
gave nothing but compliment.

When he was alone there at night
the marble turned to white skeletons
of those he has slaughtered
to amass that immense wealth.

His hands got stained with their bloods
in his every nightmare
no matter how much he washed them
with the scented soaps.. they stayed like that.

His ears rang with their piercing screams
his head rang with their curses
no matter how much he tried or begged
he could not get an hour of peaceful sleep.

Sharmishtha basu

For Poetry Potluck @ the theme this week is Food, drinks and indulgences

Real master

a lazy life full of fun,
servants thronged around me,
at a snap of finger
or batting of eyelash
they present themselves
with all my whim and fancy
food, drink, indulgences and more.

is material life truly that precious?
then why do people smile and love?
even when they have no today, tomorrow?
how can they smile and have fun?
I believe its our mind that decides
what makes us happy and complete,
our body is not the decision maker at all.

So to have true life and joy
we should first reckon the real master.

Sharmishtha basu

For haiku heights @ the theme this week is “Wings”


a pair of wings
strong enough to explore the world
is all I ask.

Sharmishtha basu

For Sensational Haiku Wednesdays @ the theme this week is “integrity”


divine, pure
thoughts, intentions and actions
true integrity

Sharmishtha basu

For Monday Morning Writing Prompt @ the theme this week Natural phenomenon

Sharat (autumn)

The gray skies are gone,
gone is the music of rain
pouring down in steady shower
for hour after hour.

Now the clouds are bidding goodbye,
rain is riding white clouds
ivory white clouds sail softly
in the purest, bluest sky.

the distant horizons rumble
echoing the sound of their goodbye
as the dark clouds and rain fly
far away leaving sharat behind.

the flowers of Kash (grass) dance
lighting up the river banks
their white, fuzzy head
look like droplets of white clouds.


A bookworm transformed into an addicted writer. I love to write and illustrate them myself. By love I mean love, no half-hearted relationship, a full-fledged, passionate love, I can’t pass two days in a stretch without writing/painting (cyber), just feel empty like lovers do when their lovers are away on a tour! Even though I am thoroughly enjoying self-publishing with amazon, but if you like my work and want to publish my works in your magazine, books or better if you want to publish a book of my works please make me very happy by contacting me. Or if you want to sell my works on commission basis only!! contact me, I will be quite relieved. Honestly writing and selling your own work is a very BORING combination. So you are more than welcome! Mail me, or go to- my blog (I have 16 blogs in wordpress, all active, some on daily basis, every one on weekly basis screaming and vowing my LOVE for writing and painting- this one is first-born, so special) (You will get the link to my remaining blogs there) or you can check out my ezines- monthly- And if you want fb you can go to my page, linkedin- my email id and I am in goodreads and completelynovel too I guess I said enough about myself, right? You will forget if I stuff too much here, so if you are curious to know this humble creature just join me in my blogs :)

11 thoughts on “Free Soul 14.3.11

  1. Well said iin the palace poem .. No one gets a sound sleep by robbing the same of others ..

    And as always brilliant haiku 🙂

  2. “The Palace” raises some good points. I don’t think peace can truly be had by those who live off of others at their expense. It cannot be. Sooner or later the karmic repercussions will catch up to them.

    Our true master is not to be found through material gain. There is a higher pinnacle than this to aspire to–much more valuable.

    Love your Wings and Integrity haiku too, Trisha.

  3. Corruption will rob one of peaceful sleep even in The Palace.
    Guilt-free sleep in the hut with the Real Master is a greater treasure.
    Thank you for offering a feast of poems in here! 🙂

  4. Very well said, my dear Trisha.. food and indulgences can fulfill our bodies’ needs… but love, peace and kindness are what we really need to fill our souls… Beautiful words, dear girl… Love you AND your words!!

    (many hugs and kisses)

  5. When he was alone there at night
    the marble turned to white skeletons
    of those he has slaughtered
    to amass that immense wealth. -quite an intense verse…a wise lesson in this poem, fabulous as always. You have a wonderful gift with words and emotion.

  6. First poem is a chiller, a well-done chiller.

    I agree with the second: Happiness is a choice, a decidison. So is peace.

    The haiku dearly spiritual.

    And as winter wanes, you have brought us the gift of autumn again.

    Thanks for a post chock full of riches, Trisha.

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