Posted in Agnijaat, Agnishatdal and books in Gumroad, Shoptly, Kindle, my book excerpts

Myriad colours of earth poem 15

“An artist is nothing without a patron, it is a harsh truth that history has repeated too often, think of Van Gough and check out the writings of this humble author while you surf for your books please!”

Myriad colours of earth


Jealousy won’t take you anywhere,
Finally you will end up as a fool
Better live like a child
Who whole-heartedly admires beauty
Then tries to capture that beauty!

They never get jealous of anything,
But for the attention of their beloveds,
Even then they cry for it, beg for it,
Rarely do they try to harm others,
While admiring, loving be a babe!

21.07.09, Garia, Kolkata